Friday, February 14, 2014

Sorry about the long silence....

But the past 6 days have been surreal.

On Saturday morning, Gary woke up with horrible stomach pains so he delayed his training hoping to feel better.  I went out and started training on hard, icy conditions, on a very treacherous downhill I lost control of my skis and hit the fence with my face.  I shattered my nose and was taken to the hospital for surgery, MRI, and all the rest.  Because of the hit to the head, I could not move from bed for 5 days, today, it is the first day that I managed to sit and stare at my computer for more than a few seconds.  Needless to say, I did not start my race.  

Gary had been feeling ill the whole week but still managed to train and come down to the hospital to see me every day.  This morning, he was feeling worse than ever, but with a herculean effort he managed to start his race knowing that I was very much looking forward to seeing at least him out of the Olympic start gate and into the beautiful stadium.  That was all he could manage before collapsing.  

I am at the hospital for a few more days looking like the phantom of the Opera.  Tomorrow I will need to undergo another surgery – this time a very small one they told me – to remove a blood clot that dried up in my sinus and if left there would be extremely uncomfortable.

Gary is at the Olympic village, he was thoroughly checked by the doctors there and is under therapy for the next 10 days.  He caught an acute bacterial gastroenteritis due to tainted water.  

So, after the Opening Ceremony, which was quite amazing, things have been pretty difficult.   

Update from Sochi
In the next few days, we will do our very best to rest and recover and we should have time to look at our pictures and post some more facts about this experience of a lifetime that started like a fairy tale but went horribly wrong!

Stay tuned.......

Ci scusiamo per il lungo ritardo nel comunicare ma gli scorsi 6 giorni sono stati a dir poco surreali.  

Sabato mattina Gary si e' svegliato con lancinanti dolori addominali ed ha quindi deciso di rimandare il suo allenamento sperando di sentirsi meglio.  Io sono invece uscita per il mio allenamento.  Le piste erano ghiacciate e durissime ed ad una curva particolarmente pericolosa ho perso controllo degli sci ed ho sbattuto il visto contro la staccionata di protezione.  Mi hanno subito portato in ospedale per risonanze, ricostruzioni del setto nasale ed osservazione.  Per precauzione, mi hanno fatto stare immobile a letto per i primi giorni e solo oggi mi sono sentita abbastanza bene da sedermi ed accendere il computer.  Inutile aggiungere che non sono riuscita a gareggiare.  

Gary non e' stato bene durante tutti i 5 giorni in cui io ero in ospedale, ma ha comunque cercato di allenarsi tutti i giorni e di venire a trovarmi in ospedale che e' a 45 minuti dal villaggio olimpico.  Stamattina si sentiva peggio che mai, ma ha fatto un sforzo sovrumano per iniziare la gara solo perché sapeva che io ci tenevo tanto a vederlo uscire dallo stadio olimpico.  Purtroppo dopo solo 300 metri e' collassato.  

Io sono in ospedale e sembro il Fantasma dell'Opera.  Gary e' al villaggio olimpico dove e' stato sottoposto ad ulteriori test ed e' sotto terapia farmacologica.  Pare abbia preso una gastroenterite batterica acuta a causa dell'acqua.  

Quindi, dopo la Cerimonia di Apertura che e' stata bellissima, le cose sono state abbastanza difficili per noi.  

Nei prossimi giorni non faremo altro che riposare e guarire, e speriamo di avere un po' di tempo per pubblicare un po' di foto e qualche commento su questa esperienza iniziata come una favola, ma presto diventata tutt'altro che!

Non cambiate canale....


  1. Quote from Julie.... Holy Fuck... sending hugs and love to you guys. Hang in there... Holy shit! You are heroes. Petter concurs. Ps. Where can we ship 50 liters of Swedish water?

  2. Oh no!! We are so glad you survived the crash, and is recovering, that is the most important. Seen a lot form the X-country course, you are not the only one falling in those hills. The women went 73 km per hour on skinny skis, wonder how steep they can get before you have to wear a helmet. Send you warm hugs from Canmore. Lena and Roland

  3. Sending best wishes and love from the Jakes in St. George, Utah!
